the Chinese workers were content/happy performing the jobs few white men wanted
At that time, there are no regulations made by the government to ensure the safety of railway workers.
The Railway companies at that time, require some of the workers to dig deep into the tunnel and strengthen the foundation of their rails. This jobs is extremely exhausting and dangerous . Very few white workers wanted to do it.
This is why this type of jobs usually given to the Chinese workers.
Chinese workers at that time received constant abuse and discrimination from the white workers. But as long as they are willing to do the dangerous/tedious jobs, they're usually got ignored.
The correct answer is that a factor that played the largest role in fueling the economic gowth of the 1920s is because of the mass production.
The growth was of fourty two percent, in part of the end of WWI.
because no plans, sanitary codes, or building regulations controlled the rampant growth of English cities, the poor lacked adequate housing and many were forced to live in dark, filthy, overcrowded slums under unhealthy and unsafe conditions
debt increase
high taxes
workhouses: conditions were bad
inadequate housing: no plans/sanitary codes/building regulation
more jobs
closer to jobs
workhouses: since govt wanted to make sure people feared workhouses, families were split, poor wore uniforms, everyone had to work, etc.
This was part of bleeding kansas.