Practically everyone
FDR was afraid Huey Long would contest the democratic vote in the 1936 election which would split the vote between FDR's "New Dealer's" and Long's "Share The Wealther's". Long also stepped on the toes of Louisiana politicians by using the power of his held office to the fullest extent and received overwhelming public support as he made text books free for all elementary school children, paved new roads, built new bridges, and founded Louisiana State University. All at the cost of the wallets of corrupt politicians who had their money took right out of their bank accounts by Long with his Taxes. To the outrage of the Klan and its sympathizers, Huey Long’s programs to uplift the poor meant that African Americans received public education, healthcare, tax exemptions, and the opportunity to vote free of charge (although the vast majority were still blocked from voting by local "Jim Crow" laws), among other benefits aimed at freeing the disenfranchised from the shackles of poverty. Black ministers even organized Share Our Wealth clubs among their congregations with Long’s blessing, a radical inclusion in 1930s America.
The correct answer is reduce its army and navy
Arguments in favour of a minimum wage mostly hang on the idea that firms have a responsibility to ensure that their workers earn enough to live on. If a firm can’t pay its workers enough to live on, then it isn’t a viable business, because it is dependent on wage subsidies. Of course “enough to live on” depends where you live: the cost of living in London is considerably higher than it is in, say, Newcastle, so a minimum wage that would give a reasonable standard of living in Newcastle is starvation level in London. The campaign for a voluntary Living Wage tries to persuade firms to pay above the current UK minimum wage, which is perceived as being below the real cost of living.
The Hebrew canon contains 24 books, one for each of the scrolls on which these works were written in ancient times. The Hebrew Bible is organized into three main sections: the Torah, or “Teaching,” also called the Pentateuch or the “Five Books of Moses”; the Neviʾim, or Prophets; and the Ketuvim, or Writings. So idk, but I hope this helps in some way