<span>D. pyrimidines......</span>
Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Norway
Germany was able to shift many troops to reinforce the Western front
The Germans no longer had to fight on 2 fronts so it was pointless to have troops on that front.
The type of listening realized by Bob is:
- Active listening.
In the situation mentioned could apply two types of listening:
1. <em>Empathic listening:</em> Where the listener can put himself in someone else's shoes.
2. <em>Active listening:</em> Where the listener understand the meaning of the told and make feedback.
Despite the two options could be correct, in the empathic listening Bob just listen to the case, could put himself in the inmate's shoes but this doesn't benefit the inmate, instead, when Bob realizes the description of the empathic listening but also give a feedback about the listened and, possibly, an advice, <em>the inmate feels </em><u><em>supported</em></u>, how the paragraph mentions.
Typically, federal capital sentencing process in the post-furman era involves four critical steps which include:
STEP 1: Sentencing
STEP 2: Direct Review
STEP 3: State Collateral Review
STEP 4: Federal Habeas Corpus
In many instances, the constitutionality of the death penalty has been challenged. Most of these constitutional challenges have included issues of race discrimination in the application of the death penalty.
Therefore, the process has not resolved the issue of racial disparities in death penalty sentencing on the federal level.