religious movement
The Protestant Reformation was a religious movement. It started off as a protest against the Catholic Church and the manner in which it behaved and propagated the religion. This reform was accepted by many people, as it was much better, closer to the original principals of the Christianity, not being cruel and constantly scaring and threatening its followers. This resulted into the formation of the first Protestant churches. The Catholic Church was not happy at all about it and it gave its best to stop the Protestant Reformation, but it didn't managed to do so. The Catholic Church big portion of its followers in Europe, thus lost lot of power, while the Protestant Church became the dominant in numerous countries in Europe that were once Catholic.
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well the southern states had to have income to fund the war, cotton, but the northern states had higher prices. hopes this helps
1. Seneca Falls C. 1848
2. Sojourner "Aint i a woman" speech 1851
3. Wyoming gives right to vote to women 1869
4. Sufragettes 1913
5. 19th amendment is raitified 1919
Answer: the google say this
Explanation: territory or region to frame a proposed state constitution as a step toward admission ...