There have been a number of coup d'etats in Africa. Generally the causes for them were lust for power on the side of the people who have conducted them and/or dissatisfaction with the previous government.
the effects of coup d'etats was the political de-stabilisation of the region and the tendency for authoritarian rule..
Normative age graded influences
Normative age-graded influences are those influences that occured to someone in which they are similar for the person in that particular age or group and the influences are determine as a result of either biological or environmental influence which may result in correlation with age or group.
Normative age graded influences can affect an individual in a predictable way according to age , group regardless of where they are raised.
Minor annoyances of everyday life.
Stigma: The term stigma is defined as a process of discredit or disgrace that sets apart an individual to that of others. Stigma related to mental illnesses contributes to a negative attribute in any of the social relationships.
Stigma mainly involves three distinct elements:
1. Lack of knowledge.
2. Negative attitudes.
3. People discriminatory behavior towards the stigmatised person.
In the question above, The given statement signifies the stigma.
The primary distinction is that state and local courts are authorized to hear cases involving the laws and citizens of their state or city, while federal courts decide lawsuits between citizens of different states, cases against the United States, and cases involving specific federal laws