Answer is hypertonic.
The ability of an extracellular solution to make water move into or out of a cell by osmosis is known as its tonicity. Tonicity is concern for all living things, especially in in organisms lacking cell wall, <em>Paramecium</em> is one such protozoan. It has specialized structures called contractile vacuoles. A contractile vacuole collects excess water from the cell and release it out, keeping the cell from lysing as it takes on water from extracellular environment which hypotonic (a lower osmolarity than the cell’s cytoplasm) as compared to hypertonic environment inside <em>Paramecium</em>.
I think it is stage 2
At stage two, the skin breaks open, wears away, or forms an ulcer, which is usually tender and painful. The sore expands into deeper layers of the skin. It may appear as a scrape, blister, or a shallow crater in the skin. At times this stage looks like a blister filled with clear liquid. Also at this stage some skin may be damaged beyond repair or may die.
Blood and lymph are the two circulating fluids in the animal body. Blood belongs to the circulation system whereas lymph belongs to the lymphatic system. Blood contains pigments which carry oxygen. Therefore, blood can be found in different colors in different types of organisms. But, lymph is a colorless fluid. Blood is composed of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and a fluid called plasma. Lymph is composed of white blood cells and a watery fluid. Both blood and lymph possess a circulatory function as well as an immune function. The main difference between blood and plasma is that blood circulates inside blood vessels whereas lymph circulates inside lymphatic vessels.
The order must be K2→K1, since the permanently active K1 allele (K1a) is able to propagate the signal onward even when its upstream activator K2 is inactive (K2i). The reverse order would have resulted in a failure to signal (K1a→K2i), since the permanently active K1a kinase would be attempting to activate a dead K2i kinase.
- You characterize a double mutant cell that contains K2 with type I mutation and K1 with type II
- You observe that the response is seen even when no extracellular signal is provided.
- In the normal pathway, i f K1 activat es K2, we expect t his combinat ion of two m utants to show no response with or without ext racell ular signal. This is because no matt er how active K1 i s, it would be unable to act ivate a mutant K2 that i s an activit y defi cient. If we reverse the order, K2 activating K1, the above observati on is valid. Therefore, in the normal signaling pathway, K2 activates K1.