Al igual que la mitosis, la meiosis es una forma de división celular eucariota. Sin embargo, estos dos procesos distribuyen el material genético entre las células hijas resultantes de formas muy diferentes. La mitosis crea dos células hijas idénticas, cada una de las cuales contiene el mismo número de cromosomas que su célula madre.
Liquid media are a type of culture media used to cultivate and maintain microorganisms. They are also referred to as culture broths. Liquid media are not supplemented with a solidifying agent. Hence, these media remain as liquids even at room temperature.
random mating
The Hardy Weinberg principle of genetic equilibrium defines that gene and allelic frequencies will remain the same among the generations in an infinitely large interbreeding population. In this population the mating among the members of the population is random and no selection, migration and mutation will occur.
He should ask for spicy tuna rolls that do not have red algae in them.