W. Edwards Deming
William Edwards Deming was the famous engineer, lecturer, and management of the United States in the twentieth century. His most noted contribution laid in his methods of quality control, better design of product and extensive sale which proved to be a miracle for the economy of Japan after the second world war.
He discussed for democracy, but not for freedom, appealing
that anyone who differs with the general will should be involuntary to monitor
it. He appears to be supporting something like an "absolute
democracy" with complete civil equality, a factual democracy before a
republic, and he openly says that political parties would weaken or disintegrate
a political system founded on the general will.
A dictatorship crashes with this wholly for the reason that whoever governs
the country is not governmentally equal with the rest of the individuals and
can create an oppression of an individual or party. He is disagreeing for a tyranny of the
They are very much so connected.
the crusaders are the extremely bad people.
Sharks swallowed and ate the bodies of African slaves that were thrown into the sea.
The middle passage is a stage in the triangular trade where Slaves from the African coasts were carried across the Atlantic ocean to South and North America. In the course of crossing this ocean, some slaves became so weak that they could no longer continue the journey. Some others died from the stress and starvation they experienced in the course of the journey. This set of people were usually thrown into the ocean by their captors and their bodies were readily swallowed by the sharks.
It is believed that some of these sharks followed the ships closely so as to readily grab the opportunity of swallowing the slaves when they were thrown aboard.