There is nothing there to show
let me know when you have more information please
Law enforcement officers face many different dangerous and stressful situations in the line of duty. Some, such as gun violence, are obvious; others dangers are hidden, but common, and can greatly hinder officer performance. Officer performance is also affected by training and other factors. Officers risk their lives most of the time depending on the people. Some can be very cooperative while others not so much. That could lead to dangers involving death, injuries, etc.
I hope this helped a bit ^^
B using the order of operations
A medium shot, also called a mid-shot or waist shot, is a type of camera shot in film and television that shows an actor approximately from the waist up. A medium shot is used to emphasize both the actor and their surroundings by giving them an equal presence on screen
European nations staked claims on paper while tribes claimed the ground itself, but the border remained a work in progress, an imaginary line, until troops clashed and treaties settled the question.
In 1849, after the Mexican-American War, the United States sent teams of surveyors, soldiers and laborers to mark this new line in the desert, which sounded simple but proved difficult. The teams struggled as the Southwest seethed with conflict.