D) Rome turns to rebellion and tyranny after his death.
The general population proclaim that they will revolt. Antony calls to them to give him a chance to complete: he has not yet perused the will. He currently peruses that Caesar has passed on an entirety of cash from his own possessions to each man in Rome. The residents are struck by this demonstration of liberality and vow to retaliate for this magnanimous man's demise.
Antony keeps perusing, uncovering Caesar's arrangements to make his private stops and gardens accessible for the general population's pleasure. The plebeians can take no more; they charge off to unleash ruin all through the city. Antony, alone, ponders what will happen to the underhandedness he has set free on Rome. Octavius' hireling enters. He reports that Octavius has touched base at Caesar's home, and furthermore that Brutus and Cassius have been driven from Rome.
Touch, the wounding cords that bind and strain represents touch.
A line of poem is one row of words.
Also, a line of a poem is used to divided the poem into sections.
Value on which he believes the citizens to vote