all social media's but i won't use all social media only whatapp
Hey I’m just getting so happy I have a lot to say I don’t want you guys are you doing it right away and I’m sorry you don’t know what I’m going through but I’m sorry you don’t know know how I’m doing you so I can
Sorry I need points rip
<span>Scrie o compoziție de 100-150 cuvinte în care să prezinți cel mai frumos început / sfârșit al anului școlar ...... Vrei să scriu una? Vrei să fie ficțiune, non-ficțiune. Cine e caracterul principal?
<span>Write a composition of 100-150 words in which to present the most beautiful start / end of the school year ...... Do you want to write one? Want to be fiction, non-fiction. Who is the main character?</span>