Connected self schema
The self schema refers to a long lasting and stable set of memories that summarize a person's beliefs, experiences and generalizations about the self, in specific behavioral domains.
Self concept is like a library and self schemas are like the books that make up the library.
The archetype is a character or action that represents a whole world pattern of nature. It is also called universal symbols of nature. It is also called a theme, symbol, and settings. Many archetypes have repeated human culture. It is the entire human race. It shapes the work and its functions.
<u>There are different type of archetype:
- The hero
- The mother figure
- The innocent youth
- The mentor
- The Doppelganger
- The scapegoat
- The villain
- The journey
- The situation
- The initiation
- Good versus evil
- The fall
1) States of Israel is established
2) Nazis deny Jews employment and confiscate land and businesses
3) Nazis force Jews in concentration and death camps
4) hundreds of Jews have no home after World War II ends
5) the United nations divide Palestine into Jewish and Muslim states
Democracia participativa. La democracia participativa es aquella en donde se tienen en cuenta la voz y el voto. Es una forma de democracia en la que tienen mayor participación en la toma de las decisiones políticas que la que les otorga tradicionalmente la democracia representativa.
She is just supposed to be your standard conservative reporter. For example, she could be a satirical representation of a reporter on Fox News