Liquidated damages
Liquidated damages
Liquidated damages are the damage amount which need to pay by one party if there is any breach of contract between the parties. it is decided prior at the time of making a contract and needs to be paid if there is any damage to the signed contract.
breach o contract can be taken on the basis of completion of the project in the given time. if the project not done on a given time then liquidated damage needs to be paid to another party.
Tools, bones, artifacts such as pottery, etc.
in the time it takes to identify the situation, enact a policy, and allow it to work, economic circumstances may have changed.
Fiscal policies would be specifically designed to address one particular economic condition.
When there are time lags in enacting and applying fiscal policy,the economic condition in the country could also be changed. Because of this, by the time the policies are enacted, they are no longer suitable to solve the problem that arise on the current economic condition.