First and foremost, specifically which topics to cover and how much time to take covering them.
I would ask those questions because my boss may have a different idea of what needs to be communicated than I. My boss may also have a different objective for the communication than I realized and I may be able to enhance that message in some way.
A) true
Compound interest can be regarded as
adding of interest gotten to the principal sum of a deposit or the principal sum of a loan. It's one that is gotten after reinvesting of ones interest instead of paying it out, as a result of this the interest that comes in
next period will be earned on the principal sum along with those interests accumulated before. It should be noted the process of earning compound interest allows a depositor or investor to earn interest on any interest earned in prior periods.
Because sometimes the check written after the statement closing dates.
Lets say a company do a closing statement on December 26.
A check written between that date until the end of period ( December 26 - December 31), that transaction simply won't appear on the book because the company already closed the statement on December 26
Tijuana's actions are an example of
<u> "altruism".</u>
Altruism is carrying on of worry for another's prosperity. Regularly, individuals carry on charitably when they see others in edgy conditions and feel sympathy and a craving to help. Selflessness doesn't generally easily fall into place, since by definition, it expects individuals to slight their very own worries to help other people with no desire for remuneration, however "reciprocal altruism" is a term utilized by evolutionary scholars and analysts to describe the choice to help with a desire that one will get some advantage or result to oneself. Agreeable conduct enabled our predecessors to make due under brutal conditions, despite everything it fills an important need to an exceedingly mind boggling society.
B. Cash in Bank account (debit) Interest on Loan account credit)