There came to a verbal and political conflict. At the end the people of Russia took the things in their own hands and killed Rasputin. I am not sure if this is what you are asking. Feel free to ask more if it isn’t the answer
Which of the following is an example of the use of propaganda?
Advertisements of any kind are propaganda used to promote a product or service. For example, an ad that promotes one brand of toothpaste over another is an example of propaganda. ... Political signs and commercials are an example of propaganda. These promote one candidate and his views over others in the race.
A dictator is a ruler who came to power forcefully and ruled over a country without consulting the people. In Roman republic, they might have come to power in a crisis because you are forced to follow a dictator you are not given any other opportunity.
The colonist in Virginia had no plan on what to do in/on the land.
Communists were treated badly, as Chiang Kai-shek consider them his main enemy in the country. He decided to fight against them in to destroy them. That is why he gathered a large army with a task to surround them and destroy them. Communists who were outnumbered decided to flee, which led to the famous Long March, a 6 000 mile long journey towards the North.
Around 100 000 Communist were running in front Chiang Kai-shek's army. A lot of them died due to awful conditions during the journey.
Those who survived settled in northwestern China, in caves where they started recreating the Communist movement.