I believe the correct answer is Hierarchical Authority
Wеbеr's thеοriеs, dеvеlοpеd at thе turn οf thе 20th cеntury, hеlpеd dеfinе thе еcοnοmic and pοlitical systеms еmеrging frοm thе highly cοncеntratеd authοrity οf hеrеditary rulеrs and thеir suppοrtеrs. Thеy dеfinеd many 20th-cеntury institutiοns. Pοwеr in burеaucraciеs is vеstеd in pοsitiοn, nοt pеrsοn, and authοrity travеls thrοugh thе lеvеls οf thе hiеrarchy basеd οn agrееd-upοn functiοns.
Intersect. On a graph that is where they intersect.
New world discovery build an interdependent global economic system where each continent relied on the others to thrive. Role of Europe was to supply markets, capital, technology, Africa was to supply labor and America supplied raw materials (like metal and soil for sugar cane)
More about interdependent economic system:
Economic interdependence refers to the mutual reliance of those involved in an economic system who trade in order to receive the goods they are unable to create effectively on their own.
Such trading connections demand that a participant's actions have an impact on its trading partners, and it would be expensive to end the relationship.
Learn more about interdependent economic here:
The amount of the cash flow to creditors is $74
Beginning of the year:
Long-term debt = $308
Total debt = $339
At the end of the year:
Long-term debt = $269
Total debt = $349.
Interest = $35
Net new borrowing = Ending Long-term debt - Beginning Long-term debt
= $269 - $308
= ($39)
Cash flow to creditors = Interest paid - Net new borrowing
= $35 - ($39) = $ 74