lblFullName = strLastName & ", " & strFirstName
The task involved here is to combine the two sting variables separated with a comma. in visual basic string concatenation can be be done with & operator the + (addition) operator may also be used as well, but this is not recommended. Observe that the lblFullName control was assigned three strings (strLastName, ", " and strFirstNam) The comma in the quotation marks is also treated as a string.
The correct answer for this question is this one: Digg has the bury function for a legitimate reason, which is to help combat spam. If you “bury” a story on Digg, then you have done something that is not safe for security, most especially from the spam (emails, etc.) Hope this helps answer your question and have a nice day ahead.
D. called
A function is executed when it is called.
Function definition comprises of the code body of the function.For example:
int add(int a, int b){
return a+b;
Function declaration or function prototype specifies the signature of the function ( number and type of arguments, return type). e.g,
int add(int a,int b);
Function call is when the function is executed with actual arguments:
This will return 6 upon execution of function body.
A. mining all product reviews from an online store for further processing.