The most likely meaning of the word "redaction" based on its Latin affix is d) to repeat. The meaning of redaction is to "a form of editing in which multiple source texts are combined (redacted) and altered slightly to make a single document."
Answer:Immigration isn’t exactly a new occurrence in the United States. Still, despite a rich history of welcoming strangers into the country, it seems that the voices of critics calling for stricter immigration policy only get louder and fears over the negative economic impact immigrants might have continue to grow. It’s worth asking, in a country where nearly everyone’s ancestral line includes an immigration story, how things got that way.
As of right now they have a democracy
European Governing systems changed over the centuries in the medieval times the first form of government was created, Feudalism. Feudalism is a form of government that does not govern a country or large are of land but rather a city state or a small household. This system worked as peasants would farm and build to keep the household alive and in payment were provided with protection and housing. Overtime the European countries adopted the monarchy, the monarchy was a single royal family that governed several cities and areas much larger than that of the small scale households existing in feudalism.
Answer: to prevent accidents from happening