A product item is a specific version of a product that can be designated as a distinct offering among an organization's products. A product line is a group of closely related products offered by an organization.
Answer:It is true that in many organization marketing does not have a place of importance in the organizational hierarchy as spending on marking cuts on their profit making. These firms need no marketing strategies as they are on regional or street or local level. Theses are small business. The customer base of these firms is near by public. These firms don’t work to reach far away customers
Appropriate channels selected is NOT a reason why a new product might fail.
Diminishing marginal product of labor.
Remembering the law of diminishing marginal product which states that by additing unit of labour, while keeping other factors constant would over time lead to lesser output of labour.
Thus one may expect a sports team who continues to add players (additional unit of labour) to its roster above the minimum in the field would eventually not lead to increase efficiency in the field since other factors are kept constant such as increase training for players.
Answer: A. Managers scan their firm's environment to reduce uncertainty.
Explanation: In the context of the external environment of a firm, managers scan their firm's environment to reduce uncertainty. In doing so, they stay up to date on important factors in their industry which helps to reduce uncertainty. Environmental scanning simply involves searching for cues, important happenings, events, issues etc. that might affect an organization either positively or negatively.