<span>Yes we are helping save environment by using recycled and recyclable products. With recycled waste accounting for 35 percent of total municipal waste, the United States is struggling to make progress in the league of the planet's top recyclers. Recycling is good for the environment, in the sense, we are using old and waste products which are of no use and then converting them back to same new products. Since we are saving resources and are sending less trash to the landfills, it helps in reducing air and water pollution</span>
Awareness about generation differences.
Adaptation of good practices from each.
In this case it would be necessary to make the workforce aware about the strengths and weaknesses that can be offered according to their generation.
And the most important part about this conscious process would be to consider that through a learning process of adaptation with the commitment from the whole team it would be possible to take the most relevant aspects to consider and adapt according to the necessities of the workplace or enterprise.
In order to be able to achieve an agreement within the workplace, it would be important to think about a constant space dedicated to a proper communication process, where all the ideas from the participants can be shared and taken into account.
In this case, it is also primordial to make aware the integrants about leaving behind all related to stereotypes and ways of judgement and also to be open mind about others opinion, always respectful and flexible for the benefit of the team as a unit.
The correct answer is option e. both (b=P may have to exercise judgement in D's behalf) and (c=there also exists a conflict if D has to exercise judgement in P's behalf).
Conflicts of interest are those situations in which the judgment of a subject, in relation to a primary interest for him or her, and the integrity of their actions, have to be unduly influenced by a secondary interest, which is often of economic or personal type. That is, a person incurs a conflict of interest when instead of complying with the right thing, he could guide his decisions or act for his own benefit or that of a third party.
Because of this definition we understand that P has a conflict of interest in excercising judment in D's behalf but if P does that there may exist a conflict. Therefore P could refrain from giving a judgment, opinion or positioning in such a situation.
contextual detail and information relevant to groups- Different cultures tend to influence how a person perceives the world and how he creates memories. This difference in culture can be very starkly seen between the countries of the west and those of the east. For example, If and American is asked to describe a scene from underwater, he will tend to focus mainly on the prominent fish in the scene. This is because individuals from the western world tend to be focused on those things that are object based. However, a Chinese will tend to focus on those things that are of contextual detail to the fish. For example the color of the water and seaweed, as well as the relationship between the fish with the other elements in the scene.