Constitutive activation is the alteration of a protein or signaling pathway such that it is functional or engaged even in the absence of an upstream activating event. For example, RasD is constitutively active because it cannot bind GAP and therefore remains in the GTP-bound, active state even when cells are not stimulated by growth factor to activate a receptor tyrosine kinase.
Constitutively active Ras is cancer promoting because cells will proliferate in the absence of growth factors, and thus normal regulatory mechanisms for cell proliferation are bypassed.
(a) A mutation that resulted in Smad3 binding Smad4, entering the nucleus, and activating transcription independent of phosphorylation by the TGFβ receptor would render Smad3 constitutively active.
(b) A mutation that made MAPK active as a kinase and able to enter the nucleus without being phosphorylated by MEK would render MAPK constitutively active.
(c) A mutation that prevented NF-KB from binding to IK-B or that allowed NF-KB to enter the nucleus and regulate transcription even when bound to IK-B would render NF-KB constitutively active.
A clonagem é a obtenção de duas células idênticas com o mesmo código genético que o produto da reprodução assexuada.
Nos mamíferos, a clonagem ocorre através de células somáticas, onde há um núcleo doador e um oócito que se unem por meio de um choque elétrico, formando o embrião que resultará em um ser vivo clonado, um exemplo de essa era Dolly, a ovelha.
Na clonagem de mamíferos, o embrião é responsável por ter caracteres da ovelha doadora, ou seja, será a imitação do código genético desse animal que empresta a célula doadora ao úbere.
It may be 166, but you may want to check my math
Both men and women have sex chromosomes. Men usually have one X and one Y chromosome, while women have two X's.
When an egg or sperm is made, it only gets one of the sex chromosomes from the parent. This means that women can only make eggs with an X chromosome. But men can make either X or Y sperm.
During fertilization, the sperm cells race toward the mother-to-be's egg cell. If a sperm with a Y beats all others, then the fetus will be XY. The pregnancy will result in a boy.
However, if a sperm with an X wins the race to the egg, then the fetus will be XX. The parents will have a baby girl.
Nearly everyone's chances are around 50% for having a boy and 50% for having a girl. And yet, we all know families that are all boys or all girls.