The correct answer would be Embodied Ethnocentrism. Our sense of familiarity and comfort within our own culture is known as Embodied Ethnocentrism.
When a person feels close association, ease and comfort within his own cultures, this is called as Embodied Ethnocentrism.
For example when a person wears his traditional cultural dresses in his culture and sees other wearing the same type of dresses, he feels comfortable in his attire, whereas if he is in another culture and is wearing his traditional dress and sees others wearing their traditional dresses, he would surely feel discomfort. So this feeling of being familiar and at ease is called as the embodied ethnocentrism.
To protest, grumble or object
A speech act is an utterance that serves a function in a communique. We carry out speech acts whilst we provide an apology, greeting, request, grievance, invitation, praise, or refusal.
MOne crucial region of pragmatics is that of speech acts, which might be communicative acts that deliver a meant language function. Speech acts consist of functions inclusive of requests, apologies, hints, commands, gives, and suitable responses to those acts.
Speech Acts are commonplace in everyday interactions and are important for verbal exchange, as well as found in many different contexts. Examples of these consist of: "you're fired!" which expresses both the employment repute of the individual in query, as well as the action by which the stated person's employment is ended.
Learn more about speech act here:
The type of wheather and type of terrian.
The conditions described, the results wanted and the solutions taken in real time. All those elements and desires can be achieved with Internet of things (IoT).
With IoT we can create a system of interrelated computing, mechanical, digital machines or objects identified in a unique way, those elements will be capable of transfer information over a specific network without human-computer interaction or human to human interaction. In this way and for this particular case with IoT we will be capable of create smart transportation models capable of reroute based on local traffic conditions and further events.