The part of an algorithm which is repeated for a fixed number of times is classified as iteration.
Iteration is basically a repeated execution of the same set of instructions in sequence until a certain condition is met. For loop is the type of iteration in which a block of instructions repeated again and again for the fixed number of times. Upon completion of the previous iteration, the next iteration starts. The iteration process stops only when the given termination condition matches.
For example, this is the syntax of for loop:
for(initialize; condition; increment);
for (int num=0; num<5; num++)
In this for loop, iteration is carried out for 5 times, starting the value of num from 0 and repeatedly iterates with an increment of one in num until the value of num is less than 5 i.e. 4. This loop terminates once the value of num becomes 5 and, in result the condition num < 5 fails to match anymore.
Therefore, the part of an algorithm which is repeated for fixed number of times is classfied as iteration.
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