The fathers of the internet are Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn
Vinton G. Cerf (Vint) was born in 1943 and is an American computer scientist. He researched at Stanford University on packet interconnection protocols and partnered with Robert Kahn in the design and development of the TCP/IP protocol.
Robert E. Kahn was born in 1938 and is an American engineer and computer scientist who worked with Vinton G. Cerf on the development of the TCP/IP protocol which is the crux of the internet today.
Among multiple achievements and awards, they have been awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Bush in 2005.
Respect others.
This means that it is important to make sure that your interactions with other internet users are based on respect for each other's resources. This includes time, bandwidth, and even emotions. Ensure that the information you are sharing is of value to the intended recipients and is sent in a timely manner. Treat other online users as you'd have them treat you.
Visualize your online conversations as you would real life conversations. Avoid being offensive and be accommodating of other peoples shortcomings. Also keep in mind who is part of the forum you are interacting with so as to use appropriate language.
Promotes innovation by advancing measurement standards
The National Institute of Standards and Technology was Founded in the year 1901, this agency is a non-regulatory body that is found within the United States Department of Commerce.
The mission of this agency is the promotion of innovation and also industrial competitiveness through the advancing of measurement science, standards, and also technology in several ways that raises economic security and also brings about improvement in the quality of life.
The Reference type variable is such type of variable in C# that holds the reference of memory address instead of value. Examples for reference type are classes, interfaces, delegates and arrays.
We can pass parameters to the method by reference using <em>ref </em>keyword
It’s mandatory to initialize the variable value before we pass it as an argument to the method in c#
For example,
int x = 10; // Variable need to be initialized
Add(ref x); // method call
If you pass parameters by reference in method definition, any changes made to it affect the other variable in method call.
Here's a sample program:
using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication
public class Test
public static void Main()
int i = 10;
Console.WriteLine("i=" + i);
Add(ref i);
Console.WriteLine("i=" + i);
public static void Add( ref int j)
j = j + 10;
A document file format is a text or binary file format for storing documents on a storage media, especially for use by computers. There currently exist a multitude of incompatible document file formats.