Because if it isn't copied you are splitting cells you wanna keep. if I have xy, I need xy to stay myself so before i split I need to copy xy. So if I have a homework paper, I should take a picture of it or copy it down before giving the instructions to my friend. So I will still have one.
Answer: 100mL sucrose solution and 900mL water
Explanation: sucrose solution is 500 mM, i.e. 500mmol/L
water is 0mmol/L
To get 50mmol/L we need 1/10 L of sucrose solution = 100mL
and made up to 1L with water
DNA is being transcribed into mRNA
Photon radiation
A high-energy photon beam is by far the most common form of radiation used for cancer treatment. It is the same type of radiation that is used in x-ray machines, and comes from a radioactive source such as cobalt, cesium, or a machine called a linear accelerator (linac, for short).
The speed of radioactive particles is also an important factor in medical use. Beta particles travel very fast. This, combined with their small size, gives them significant penetrating power. In cancer treatment, for example, beams of beta particles can be created outside the patient's body and directed at tumors.