artificial trees carry a warning label
By being in the north and wanting the south to rid of slaves, and to make them join the north. but the south only had huge amounts of farm land, and no way to sow, till, or harvest all that land with out a few hundred slave workers. the north seen that as unnescessary to do. the north also laid out laws that the south didnt agree with leading to the southern states declaring independancy against the north witch lead to war.
The Land Ordinance of 1785 was adopted by the United States Congress of the Confederation on May 20, 1785. It set up a standardized system whereby settlers could purchase title to farmland in the undeveloped west. ... The 1785 ordinance laid the foundations of land policy until passage of the Homestead Act in 1862.
Prior to the outbreak of the Civil War, the election of 1860 increased sectional tensions of the United States by lifting pro-union, anti-slavery statesman, Abraham Lincoln into the Presidency. In reaction, the Southern States protested in many ways, but in no more dramatic way than, one by one, seceding.