Hey sorry to hear that but you’re still going there for the last few
Nonrenewable resources either don't replenish themselves, or don't do so in a timely fashion that keeps up with our demand. Therefore, we need to cut our consumption to prolong the resources supply.
sedimentary (ex: limestone), metamorphic (ex: marble), igneous (ex: granite)
sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous are the 3 types of rocks formed by the rock cycle. didnt know if you only needed that or examples of each kind so I gave both. also not important but a fun fact igneous means made by fire, metamorphic (think of a butterfly, they go through metamorphosis) this means they change, and sedimentary (rocks pressed together to form a new one often found after events such as erosion, etc). hope this helps :)
A global network of observation stations measures the round trip time of flight of ultrashort pulses of light to satellites equipped with retroreflectors.
powerful source of data for studies of the solid Earth and its ocean and atmospheric systems