Print the sum of the squares of the n numbers
Print the percentage of numbers greater than the average of the n numbers
Print the median f n numbers
The computer programs have different configurations based on the assigned tasks. The constant amount of memory is used by the cache. This is the new technology in the computer software which consumes only small amount of memory and activates once the task is assigned to it.
It allows for more accurate sizing of networks.
Here is c program:
void main()
//Variable declaration
//array to hold 6 values you can change this as needed
float nums[6];
//integer i is for loop variable
int i;
//to hold maximum value
float max=0.0;
//clear screen
//iterate 6 times you can change as per your need
printf("Enter a number:");
//check if entered value is greater than previous value
//if it is greater then assign it
max = nums[i];
//print the value
printf("The largest number entered was %f",max);
Hmm... I feel like this query is much broader than it should be. However, I will start my initial answer, then another potential solution.
My initial answer to your query was: A condition controlled loop is used to control the number of times a loop iterates.
The potential answer, my secondary one, is: A count controlled loop iterates a specific number of times.
Two results, but my initial answer is the solution I opted when understanding this.
The answer is a. Source Code. It is the set of instructions that programmers have written in a higher-level language. When a programmer types a sequence of C language<span> statements into Windows Notepad, for example, and saves the sequence as a text file, the text file is said to contain the source code. </span>