Their motto was to keep madrid the tomb of facism. they also fought with other countries. The spanish civil war is known the dress rehearsal for world war two because it was in time in which new weapons and technologies could be tested for use. The sspanish civil war ended in 1939 the same year the world war two started.
what is the answer things at so we can see babygirl or babyboy
we cant give you no answer if we dont see the answer choice
Columbus thought they were nice generous people who would make great slaves.
March 29 was chosen as National Vietnam War Veterans Day because on March 29, 1973, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam was disbanded and the last U.S. combat troops departed from the Republic of Vietnam.
Answer: barter
In trade, barter (derived from baretor) is a system of exchange where participants in a transaction directly exchange goods or services for other goods or services without using a medium of exchange, such as money.