The correct answer is, "The warm Gulf Stream brings heavy rainfall in Southern Florida."
~Hello there!
Your questions: What two Canadian provinces border North Dakota?
Your answer: The two Canadian provinces that border North Dakota are:
1) Saskatchewan
2) Manitoba.
Hope this helps~
The correct answer is - d. colder and denser.
The main differences between the surface currents and deeper currents are the temperature and density, and that actually decides their position in the water, on the surface, or deeper.
The surface currents are warmer, and because they are warmer the molecules are much more loose, so the density is lower, which in return makes it easier, thus it is in the surface.
The deeper currents are colder, and because they are colder the molecules are much closer and more concentrated, so the density is higher, which means that they are heavier, thus fall deeper below the easier currents.
The heat equation can be written as. ∂ u ∂ t = α ∇ 2 u. where u(x, y, t) is the temperature field that varies in space and time, and α is the thermal diffusivity constant.