Answer: Functional
Explanation: The functional structure of an organisational chart places people with similar skills who perform similar activities in a group under a common manager who answers to an executive a level up in the hierarchy who may oversee multiple departments. Therefore, an organizational chart of a company showing vice presidents with responsibility for key areas such as design, manufacturing, sales, marketing, and after-sales support would reflect a functional structure.
An advantage of the functional structure is that employees are allowed to focus their collective energies on executing their roles as a department but sometimes they might develop tunnel vision (seeing the company solely through the lens of the employee’s job function) and often at times there is a lack of inter-departmental communication.
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A) Consider sending a printed message.
According to the scenario, the most sensible step to get an important response from a supplier after the supplier has not responded would be to send a printed message.
This option would be ideal among the other alternatives above, as it demonstrates that you understand that the supplier may not have seen or been aware of your question, even if numerous e-mails have already been sent, and still awaits an answer , in accordance with professional and ethical communication standards.
A commercial bank is a type of bankthat provides services such as accepting deposits, making business loans, and offering basic investment products that is operated as a business for profit.
Music is the worldwide language, but the widely held of Western classical music has been written by composers with markings in Italian. So, in order to follow the composer’s notated musical instructions, a player must embrace a few Italian words into their dictionary, along with their symbols and meanings.So in this case, Pianissimo means very soft which is denoted by pp, Piano means soft which is denoted by p and Fortissimo means very loud which is denoted by ff.