LAN- Local Area Network
A LAN - Local Area Network is a group of smaller networks restricted to companies organizations or a limited number of users.
It is used in places such as schools, hospitals, offices, and many more.
It is very common for transferring and receiving document files, applications, games, and other resources.
It is a private network that has less than five thousand computer devices attached to it.
Why does he suggest offers and options? Kennedy offers to his audience that we should replace violence towards one another with an effort to understand with compassion and love
to lead
a CONDUCTor LEADs a band. apply that here.
my family and I have two pugs
your family has two dogs and they are pugs
sorry if it's wrong I tried
1 Bread with jam or honey and drinks milk with honey.
2 He eats lunch at school.
3 He eats many healthy things that are required and stays away from junk food.
4 Cereal with some milk.
5 She doesn't go all the time.
6 She doesn’t eat sausages or hamburgers because she doesn’t like them.
7 She eats what’s required but she doesn’t seem to like many things like suasage and hamburgers.
Told you that i will answer later.