number 5 is 1945-1961
number 4 is 19 years
number 3 is October 27, 1962
Usually features an extraordinary hero
Tragedies usually feature a hero—a truly extraordinary individual. Comedies, on the other hand, usually focus on regular folk and their relatively harmless faults.
PF exam
<span>This kind of unappreciated and discouraging view of unimpaired towards someone like Pam who is wheel chair bound and her condition is described as the tyranny of the normal. This kind of opinions can possibly doom the survival of the impaired people like Pam.</span>
1) Fueron (Plural of "Ir" (go) in past tense. Ellos = they.)
2) Fue. (Ella fue, third person, past)
3) Fueron (same as question one; modifying this time "Ustedes")
4) Fuiste (second person, past tense of "Ir": You went)
5) Fuimos (Fourth person (we) and in the past).