The baby boom was a result of couples that held off on birthing children during the world war 2 and great depression. There was the return of economic prosperity and the soldiers who had been to war were coming back.
There was a large number of marriages. The women were getting married earlier. The average woman was getting married at 20.
There was huge population growth in the mid 40s and mid 60s. The US had won the WW2 and people had children because they were optimistic about the future.
32 million babies were born in the 1940's compared to 24 million in the 1930's. This had a great impact on the economy, there was an increased need for baby services and the toy fads of 1950's and 1960's.
America won
America, France, and Spain all won. Britain was outraged that they had lost, and the successful american revolution would spark many more of its kind in the future. Native Americans fought on both sides of the war, and you were better off looking for freedom on the British side as many Americand mistreated native americans.
the bystander effect
The bystander effect is the social psychological phenomenon that occurs when individuals are less likely to intervene to help someone in an emergency. The greater the number of observer present at the site of a situation, the less likely would be a probability of helping hand. In contrast to this people would react more likely when there no or few witnessed present. There are many reasons recorded-for this effect like ambiguity, diffusion of responsibility, cultural difference, etc.
The new countries created after colonization were in fact new countries.
As you may already know, colonization created new frontiers across the African continent, which allowed the creation of new countries that did not exist before colonization. These borders were maintained after colonization which allowed the creation of new countries, but not only that. Colonization promoted a mixture of cultures and customs that differentiated the African people to the point that it was not possible to unite them in a single country, even if the borders were redrawn. This mixture of cultures and customs created even more differences among African peoples, strengthening the creation of new countries after colonization.