Hey there,
Step 1: N<span>ever attempt to remove a patient from an electrical source unless the EMT is trained and equipped to do so.
Step 2: </span><span>Never touch a patient who is still in contact with the electrical source
Step 3: </span><span>Administer oxygen by nonrebreather mask at 15 lpm
Step 4: </span><span>Monitor the patient for cardiac arrest
Step 5: </span><span>Assess the patient for muscle tenderness with or without twitching and any seizure activity
Step 6: A</span><span>ssess for an entrance and exit burn injury
Step 7: T</span><span>ransport the patient as soon as possible.
Hope this helps :))
1. 6CO2 + H2O -----> C6H12O6 + 02
2. The idea of photosynthesis or light dependent reactions is to convert solar/light energy into chemical energy by the form of ATP and NADPH. CO2 and Water are consumed and react to release Glucose and 02. Approximately 36-38 ATP produced.
3. Water is the source of hydrogen atoms in the glucose (sugar) created by the photosynthesis reaction.
4 .
Step 1) The light absorbed by chlorophyll causes a transfer of electrons and H+ from H20 molecules already present. This causes the H20 to split into molecular 0xygen (02) and a H+ ion.
Step 2.) The O2 is released (we breathe it) and the H+ bonds to NADP+ creating NADPH
Step 3) ATP is formed through photophosphorylation. (ADP gets a phosphate group added to it creating ATP)
Step 4.) The NADPH and the ATP created here go on to fuel the reactions in the second part of photosynthesis - The Calvin Cycle
5. The Calvin cycle is a metabolic process that uses the carbon from carbon dioxide, along with energy in the form of ATP, to produce sugar.
A G3P molecule contains three fixed carbon atoms, so it takes two G3Ps to build a six-carbon glucose molecule. It would take six turns of the cycle.
6. To help synthesize carbohydrates for energy
7. In fixation, the first stage of the Calvin cycle, light-independent reactions are initiated; CO2 is fixed from an inorganic to an organic molecule. In the second stage, ATP and NADPH are used to reduce 3-PGA into G3P; then ATP and NADPH are converted to ADP and NADP +, respectively
does it give any other info on the woman or is that it?
<span>ATP is used in the formation
of the polypeptide in the ribosome during translation. It induces the transport
of amino acid by tRNA. ATP is a pressure for the synthesis of RNA and DNA. As an
Adenosine Triphosphate, it is one of the 4 monomers nucleosides, when transformed
to dATP, that are used to synthesize DNA</span>.
ATP is also used to transport materials across
the cell membrane against a concentration gradient.