it is about being proud of yourself and being comfortable in your own skin. The low-self confidence is never going to end, it will come in every generation. But Dream , must learn to be proud of being a black person.
Essay on a story called "David Copperfield"
The full title of “David Copperfield” is “The Personal History, Adventures, Experience and Observation of David Copperfield the younger of Blunderstone Rookery” but it was never published under this name. “David Copperfield” is the story of a child carrying the same name and his journey from childhood till he grows old.
A sad childhood is portrayed in the story where the child loses his father at a young age. As a result, his mother marries again and his step father gives the little child a very hard time. His step father believes that being weak in studies, David needs full attention. After being frustrated by his father, little David one day bites him. The result is that soon he lands into a hostel where he also faces a hard time but makes two friends- James Steerforth and Tommy Traddles. When he returns home during vacations he comes to know that his mother has given birth to a baby boy. Soon both his mother and the baby boy dies and David is left alone to face the torture of his father. His father now sends David to a factory to work.
David runs away from London to Dover and now meets his relative, Aunt Betsey Trotwood. He is now renamed as Trotwood Copperfield and is addressed by the new nickname Trot everywhere. As he grows up many of his loved ones also leave him alone by kissing death including his Aunt Betsey. At a very young age David faces the pain that people do not face in their lifetimes. This makes him a mature and well to do individual. But life takes a much harder lesson after he gets married to Dora Spenlow because she dies facing the pain of her miscarriage early in their marriage. Later David marries the beautiful and sensible Agnes and lives a beautiful life with her and their three children. He also names his daughter after his late aunt Betsey to show how much he loved her and how much he still misses her.
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Miss Maudie is part of the world where "fragrant ladies rocked slowly, fanned gently, and drank cool water" (24.53), but this rose never lets others forget her thorns. Unlike Miss Stephanie and Mrs. Dubose, however, Miss Maudie uses her sharp tongue to counter meanness rather than to perpetrate it.
The first impact of the plague was, therefore, demographic. The lives they took in just seven years would take two centuries to recover, while the survivors would reorganize in a different way. During the epidemic years, the rural population had moved to the cities in search of food and company, and given the large number of vacancies left by the plague, they no longer had to return. The countryside was depopulated, while life in the cities was revitalized, driven by the concentration of fortunes that followed the high mortality. The old rural aristocracy, accustomed to living comfortably on incomes, finds two possibilities: lease their land at lower prices or exploit them directly, hiring producers and paying them higher and higher days. The stately power lost, therefore, part of its purchasing power, while the day laborers, regretful valuable due to their shortage, increased their well-being.
The shortage of arms and the rise of the bourgeoisie were decisive for the development of the technique, one of the hallmarks of the Renaissance, closely linked to the parallel advancement of science. Machines reduce the amount of force and work needed, and appear to serve a particular class, the bourgeoisie, which finds in them a concrete response to their needs. In the technical ascent an essential change of mentality prevails, since the manual work - the mechanical arts - was despised during the Middle Ages. Leonardo da Vinci claims it when he says: "In my opinion, the sciences that have not been born of experience, mother of all certainty, and that do not end in a definite experience, are vain and full of errors." Science and technique go hand in hand, and good proof of this are the calculations of the architect and sculptor Filippo Brunelleschi, prior to the construction of the dome of Santa María del Fiore, in Florence.