When it contains an advance or partial payment.
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Examples of leaders who act differently to what they say are corrupt police officers. Police officers are leaders in the enforcement and abidance to the law. When a corrupt police officer goes against the law in letting criminals go free or in arresting innocent people, then their credibility is destroyed. This creates a lack of confidence in the ability of such a leader to be an effective leader.
A corrupt police officer who goes against the law takes away my trust in him and makes me see him as unreliable and unprofessional.
Such leaders would find it difficult to regain the trust their followers had in them because they have proved themselves unreliable and ineffective in their service to their followers.
Answer: B: Offenders engage in direct forms of violence.
Explanation: According to the Britanica Encyclopedia "White-collar crime, crime committed by persons who, often by virtue of their occupations, exploit social, economic, or technological power for personal or corporate gain". White collar crimes tends to refer to a crime committed by a bussinessman or bussinesswoman who are more likely to be middle aged or older usually by persons from the middle class and sometimes but not very often the lower class. Fraud, money laundering, stealing company funds and embezzlment are considered white collar crimes. It is often seen as less serious when compared to other crimes because it does not involve physical violence. Public order crimes are not associated to white collar crimes. Financal gain is the ulterior motive of white collar crimes.
White-collar crime have been associated with the educated and affluent ever since the term was first coined in 1949 by sociologist Edwin Sutherland, who defined it as "crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of their occupation", however, these crimes have ceased to be exclusive to such groups.
An emotional and psychological behavioral pattern in which the spouses, partners, parents, children, and friends of individuals with addictive behaviors allow or enable their loved ones to continue their self-destructive habits is known as:<u> codependency</u>.
Codependency is a behavioral condition stablished in a relationship between a person with an addiction problem and a familiar or close person. Both people relate each other in a dinamic which creates a dependency among both people, that doesn't help the problem, it only makes it worst.
The answer is C. In times or war, free speech may be more limited than in times of peace
This is to not damage the support for the war.