it resulted in a vast and as yet unknown loss of lifefor african captives both inside and outside the Americas
Answer:The most important challenges facing the province's industrial development:
Explanation:1) lack of financial support from industry, banks, 2) legal and administrative problems, 3) business problems, 4) a delay in the construction, completion and inappropriate deployment of industrial projects, and the most important priorities ...
The correct answer is letter B
The 1950s became known as the "Golden Years". It is a decade of technological revolutions with evident social implications, especially when we consider the communicational point of view, as it is in this period that the advertisements invade the radio and the recently arrived television.
The United States has become a model of prosperity and confidence, as it develops very high levels of social well-being thanks to the better qualities of housing and telecommunications.
Americans produce goods that are not very durable for consumption. In Europe, Bauhaus' modernist style features a design geared to the functionality of modern life and aims to manufacture durable goods.
Answer and Explanation:
Technology refers to the innovative processes and systems that are employed or used by a firm to transform inputs into output in the most efficient and effective way while technological change refers to an increase in product or process efficiency that enables higher and better output holding inputs constant. In other words it is a change in a firm's ability to produce a level of output with a given quantity of inputs.
The answer is Anglo conformity view which is letter b. This is the predisposition of immigrants to be unable to find much of their native cultural heritage and follow significantly to the core Anglo-Protestant culture of the United States. Immigration has been a continuing and significant source of growth and development for the United States. Attitudes near these new arrivals, both legal and illegal, have diverse with time and circumstances. One continuous concern has been the integration of immigrants, who are often compulsory to seek acceptance by means of Anglo conformity.