Hitler took great trouble to make sure that young people were loyal to him and the Nazi Party. He realized that in the future he may have to call on these people to put up with hardships, to fight and perhaps die for him. Therefore, it was important for young people to think that Hitler and the Nazis were the best thing that had ever happened to Germany.
Youngsters were indoctrinated (brainwashed) to think like the Nazis. Textbooks were rewritten to get across the Nazi message. Children were also taught to recognize Jews at a glance.
Cattle trails were slowly replaced by the rail roads
Cattle trails were slowly replaced by the rail roads. The rail roads spread to most part of the West in late 1800s which then replaced or reduced the usage of cattle trails to its minimum specially the long cattle drives. The Long cattle drives were replaced by the local trails on rail roads.
Yes, indeed, I know this because famous people known today like Mahatma Gandhi, who wanted to win a war with peace, these people have faced through a tough time to bring peace to a country or nation, but the achievement is extraordinary
There are also other famous non-violence protest like Henry David Thoreau, Te Whiti o Rongomai, Tohu Kākahi, Leo Tolstoy, Alice Paul, Martin Luther King Jr., Daniel Berrigan, Philip Berrigan, James Bevel, Václav Havel, Andrei Sakharov, Lech Wałęsa, Gene Sharp, Nelson Mandela, and many others.