Answer: object performance
The term "object permanence" is used to describe a child's ability to know that objects continue to exist even though they can no longer be seen or heard. It means her mother still exist even though she doesnt see her all the requires the ability to form a mental representation
Las figuras autoritarias viven con el temor constante de no obtener, tener, conservar o perder la autoridad. Su validez tiene que venir de afuera, requiriendo la cooperación, voluntaria o temerosa, de aquellos que están subordinados. Las figuras de autoridad, por otro lado, derivan su validez de elementos de sí mismos, su carácter, conocimiento, experiencia y habilidades, su elección de cómo, cuándo, dónde y en nombre de quién ejercer esa autoridad. Su validez debe provenir de ellos mismos para ser auténticamente procesables
A faction is a group of individuals concerned more with their self-interest than with the rights of individuals outside the group or with the needs of society as a whole.
<em>Isaiah is a person with savant</em> <em>syndrome</em>
<em>Savant syndrome: </em>In psychology, savant syndrome is one of the mental health condition in which an individual suffers from significant mental hindrance or disabilities that displays a few specific capabilities which is considered as far more than an excess of average people. An individual who is diagnosed with savant syndrome often shows a few special skills set in which he or she excels and is somewhat related to memory such as map-making, calculation, musical ability, and artistic ability.
The Executive Department does not call its chief administrator the secretary of the department. This is because the chief administrator of the Executive Department of the Government is the President or the leader of the country. Other people who are in the different branches of the government are appointed by the President because they are a part of his cabinet.