squirrel and deer. Other animals could be elephants,monkeys, etc
Photosynthesis is the process of making food by green plants in the presence of sunlight.
During Day, sunlight enters through stomata and carbon dioxide from air and water forms glucose and oxygen. This process is photosynthesis.
Reverse transcriptase use mRNA to
form DNA apex
Reverse transcriptase is a broad
family of enzymes that play a unique role in the flow of genetic information. The
synthesis of DNA from an RNA template through reverse transcription produces
complementary DNA. Reverse transcriptase use an RNA template and a short
primer complementary to the 3' end of the RNA to direct the synthesis of the
first strand complementary DNA, which can be used directly as a template for
the Polymerase Chain Reaction.
Cell regulation is conducted by special proteins. These special
proteins are enzymes which help in the regulation of bodily function. They hasten
the chemical reaction such as pepsin. Pepsin is a protein that helps in the
digestion of food in the body.
Polytene chromosomes may be defined as the giant chromosomes that contain alternate dark and light bands when view under the microscope. These chromosomes are found in the salivary gland of Drosophila.
These glands are functionally highly active and contain thousand of DNA strands. These chromosomes are aligned parallel with each other as the replication is normal but the cells are unable to separate and fails to undergo the process of cytokinesis.