the sun and earth are in different places but im not 100% sure bout it
The pituitary gland, or hypophysis, is an <span>endocrine gland that consists of anterior pituitary (or adenohypophysis) and posterior pituitary (or neurohypophysis). Adenohypophysis regulates several physiological processes (including stress, growth, reproduction, and lactation) by secreting hormones. The neurohypophysis functionally connects the gland to the </span>hypothalamus. The intermediate lobe (between adeno and neurohypophysis) synthesizes and secretes melanocyte-stimulating hormone. Because it controls a lot of functions inside the organism it can affect many things when it is not working properly (over- or under-production of pituitary hormones). It can cause diabetes insipidus by a deficiency of vasopressin, it can cause thyroid disorders, gigantism (too much growth hormone)…
in spanish-Los términos embrión y feto se refieren al bebé en desarrollo dentro del útero de la madre. ... Un embrión se denomina feto a partir de la undécima semana de embarazo, que es la novena semana de desarrollo después de la fertilización del óvulo. Un cigoto es un organismo unicelular resultante de un óvulo fertilizado.
in english- The terms embryo and fetus both refer to the developing baby inside the mother's womb (uterus). ... An embryo is termed a fetus beginning in the 11th week of pregnancy, which is the 9th week of development after fertilization of the egg. A zygote is a single-celled organism resulting from a fertilized egg.