to avoid plagiarism, provide appropriate credit to your sources by adding author–date in-text citations for direct quotations and ideas (e.g., credit the originators of theories). If you model a study after one conducted by someone else, give credit to the author of the original study.
The most apparent theme of The Bat-Poet is the value of looking at life from a different point of view.
This theme is developed through contrasts between the bat-poet and the mockingbird, who represent different kinds of poets, and between the chipmunk and the other bats, who represent different kinds of audiences.
1. Some exercises were done by Tom everyday.
2. Good cakes are made by my aunt.
3. The pigs are fed by Bill every morning.
4. The fishing village was destroyed by a silent storm.
6. The party last night had a lot of invitees.
7. America was discovered by Christopher in 1492. (debatable)
8. 2 centuries ago, Tan Ki house was built by them.
Make the second noun the subject
You have the question and you have the answer, what more do you want?