Economists call this the law of demand. As the price of a product increases, the quantity demanded decreases (but the demand itself remains the same). If the price falls, the quantity demanded will increase.
Resource Prices – Rising resource prices lead to a decrease in supply or a leftward shift in the supply curve. Falling resource prices lead to an increase in supply or a rightward shift in the supply curve.
An increase in demand shifts the demand curve to the right and a decrease in supply shifts the supply curve to the left.
A decrease in demand leads to a decrease in the equilibrium price. Less quantity to deliver. An increase in supply leads to a product decrease in the equilibrium price, all other things being equal. Demand increases.
Learn more about resources at
The net present value of this investment is $989.32
The Net Present Value is calculated by taking the Present Day (discounted) value of all future net cash flows based on the business cost of capital and subtracting the initial cost of investment.
Input Value Cash flow
CF0 ($21,705)
CF1 $6,700
CF2 $6,700
CF3 $6,700
CF4 $6,700
Cost of Capital = 7%
Input the values in a financial calculator we get the result;
Net present value = $989.3154
= $989.32
Conclusion :
The net present value of this investment is $989.32
Quite a lot these days.
Let's say you made $4,000
You really only receive
(in your bank account)
About $2,000
It also depends if you have other bank accounts such as retirement savings or college payments.
monetary policy. The quanity of money and interest rates are examples of monetary policy
D. provides the firm with direct ownership to its foreign assets
Firms prefer FDI to licensing because FDI provides the firm with direct ownership to its foreign assets