Anthropologists who are interested in a culture as a system of classification are most likely to study a cultures Language
When diving into human beings study, we are studying linguistics. Language study in anthropology development its use in different areas is called anthropology. There are many different contemporary languages across the world and their historical relations.
There are many reasons why there are variations in languages. Therefore the study of multiple languages helps people to find the deeper meaning of the past and understand the history of different styles. Historians, therefore, try to learn how long the word has been in existence and where it originated from.
B. Bantu tribe members did not use relative size as a cue to depth
They found this out after telling members of the Bantu cultures to interpret a picture and compared it to the interpretation of picture made by European people.
The picture shows a hunter and an elephant that is far away from the hunter (which is why the elephant is drawn smaller). But as it turned out, the majority of Bantu people do not know that the size meant that the elephant is located far away. They just thought it's a small elephant.
- We find that Ramanujan-type congruences for Hurwitz class numbers can be sustained on nonholomorphic generating series, in contrast to all other known Ramanujan-type congruences.
- For such nonholomorphic congruences of Hurwitz class numbers, we demonstrate a divisibility conclusion.
- The holomorphic projection of theta series products with a Hurwitz class number generating series and a Serre theorem.
The National Academy of Sciences is how esteemed?
- The American National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is thought to be the nation's most esteemed honorary scientific society.
- But it also has a track record for being male, old, and white. By extending an invitation to a younger, more diverse group of scientists to join them, its members today made a significant step in changing their reputation.
To learn more about National Academy of Sciences, visit:
Answer: Positive externality
Explanation: Positive externality is the concept in which the service produced and the consumption of that service will provide benefit a third party who is not a part of the process.
While producing fertilizer , it is providing a unintentional benefit to the community surrounding(third party) by keeping the insects away through exerting gases so that they don't cause insect bites or other problem.
Other options are incorrect because negative externalities are negative consequences face by the third party in a process. Comparative externality is related with comparison and pecuniary externality is increment or decrement in market price of service by action of economic actor .