The motto of the era was “Enrich the Country and Strengthen the Military” and at the helm of this effort was Emperor Meiji.
"With Emperor Meiji’s ascension to the throne in 1867, japan theoretically restored power to the emperor, but because he was only 15 years old he had little governing power. Instead, the power rested with the new government consisting of a small, close-knit cabinet of advisers. This new cabinet immediately began implementing a series of reforms to both strengthen and unify Japan. One of their largest concerns was that Japan would not be able to regain its sovereignty if it did not modernize. With the recent display of the superior armament of the United States military with Commodore Perry in 1853, such concerns were not unfounded.
The goals of the early leaders of the Meiji era were ambitious, as they established new economic, political, and social institutions that governed Japan through World War II. The majority of these reforms were greatly influenced by the West, but they never deviated significantly from Japan’s cultural and historical roots. Perhaps most dramatically, it abolished the old system of a social hierarchy based on inherited status. For example, samurai, who historically were recognized as a warrior class, could now be farmers and engage in trade and commerce, and townspeople could now join Japan’s new army." - can be found in this article
The "near abroad" is the way the Russian politicians refer to the countries that gained independence after the collapse of the Soviet Union; such as Latvia and Ukraine.
They all have a Russian minority (of the Russians who emigrated there when it was a Soviet Republic) and the Citizens of those countries often speak Russian as a foreign or native language.
Also, they often have close ties to Russia, such as trade ties due to both the geographical proximity and to the infrastructure which was established while they were a part of the Soviet Union
If I were designing a study in which I wanted to assess memory, I might ask people to remember three words, then have them recite a phone number to prevent rehearsal of the three new words.
<u>When asked to memorize information, be it words or numbers, for instance, people tend to rehearse it mentally to remember it for a longer period of time. However, it is possible to prevent rehearsal from happening when conducting studies to assess memory.</u> One of the ways is precisely the one described in the question. People were asked to <u>memorize three words</u>, but were prevented from rehearsing them by having to <u>recite a phone number</u>. <u>In that case, as studies have shown, there is memory decay.</u>
The consumer's right to be informed means that the information used to make buying decisions should be __________.
immediate availability
Answer: Franchising is done by cooperation's
Explanation: Franchising is an arrangement where a party called the franchiser, grants another party called the franchisee, the right to use its trademark or trade name as well as certain business systems and processes, to produce and market a good or a service.
Examples of successful franchise businesses include; Subway, Pizza hut, Burger King , McDonald's in the U.S.