a. body dysmorphic
Body Dysmorphic Disorder by definition can be a
Preoccupation with some imagined defect in appearance in a normal-appearing person.
Some with a body dysmorphic disorder can always care less over time.
BDD Prevalence is about 1% of population.
The Gender who are more concerned about it is women over men. It is slightly more common in women than men.
It begins to arise as a concern by early adolescence through twenties.
Someone who is suffering from BDD is more concerned about specific body parts.
The features of BDD are ;
1. Frequent mirror checking
2. Often worried that others are looking and making fun of their supposed defect
3. Reassurance seeking
4. Could care less about another real physical defect
Chester from the definition and features of BDD outlined here, clearly shows signs that he is suffering from BDD.
It illustrates the need for green certified nail saloons.
After prolonged exposure to nail coloring products have proven to be directly correlated to cancer or tumor.
"color me nontoxic: advocated companies to produce nail coloring products with safe ingredients in order to prevent such occurrences from happening.
We can make recommendations and conclusions about gender-based violence for our peers.
Regarding the recommendations, we can present arguments such as: A person should not be judged based on their gender, but on their actions and skills, we should not respond to any situation with violent acts, but with kindness and respect, every living being deserves to be respected and treated with consideration.
In relation to conclusions, we can present arguments such as: Everyone has the same rights and duties regardless of their genre, color, sexual orientation and religion. They should not be treated violently because of any of these factors.
Gender-based violence is characterized by the fact that one group of people (usually women) becomes the target of violence by another group of people because of their gender. This is because the aggressors see these victims as inferior and weak, who must be submissive to the wills that the aggressors have and must be punished as they see fit.
They need to lose weight in the basket (throw off items), and also make the flame more powerful, too make the balloon rise.