He decried the gold standard, concluding the speech, "you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold". Bryan's address helped catapult him to the Democratic Party's presidential nomination; it is considered one of the greatest political speeches in American history.
The achievements were that it managed to raise its own army and create its own currency and government. The failures were that it didn't manage to become internationally recognized, and they eventually became bankrupt. Another thing was that there was a lot of internal strife and division.
Some of the characteristics of renaissance peope would inclue a love for learning and the fine arts. Italy's cities most likely became the birthplace of the renaissance becuase it had many busltling cities that had a lot of trade, so ideas were spread that way. The last question would be that some church leaders and wealthy people were for the arts and helped sponsor it but other church leaders were against it and tried to censor people even burning people at the stake becuase they beleieved the earth was round, which was considered hereticla at the time.
Since you provide no options, i assuming it would be : National spending
It's a total calculation of the amount of goods/services that being consumed by a nation within a specific period (usually calculated every year)
hope this helps
I guess True. By taking loans, they can invest in their economies/ businesses to build their society. So the government is encouraging its citizens to earn more money, open business, create jobs for their people.