1. A decrease in the number of greenhouse gases that humans produce will result in lowered global temperatures. This will allow the ice sheets in the polar regions to increase increasing also albedo.
2. Using light-colored building materials on houses and pavement in urban centers will work towards increasing albedo as more sunlight is refelcted back by built environments.
3. Decreased deforestation/increase in aforestation increases the earth’s sirface albedo because vegetation reflects back more sunlight than the earth’s bare surface.
But researchers in Israel have done a study showing that families have characteristic facial expressions, ones even shared by blind members of the families. The results suggests that such expressions may be inherited and thus under some genetic control.
The nervous and the endocrine system are tightly linked together.
The main reason for this linkage is due to the connection of the hypothalamus (nervous system) and the hypophysis (a gland in the endocrine system)
The hypophysis is the ''controller'' of all of the other endocrine glands.
The connection between the hypothalamus and the hypophysis enables the nervous system to control the hormone levels of all of the major endocrine glands in the body.
The hypothalamus releases hormones into the bloodstream that leads to the hypophysis. These hormones induce a release of hypophysis hormones that enter the bloodstream and when they reach the target gland (for example pancreas) these hormones induce the release of the hormones of that gland (in the case of the pancreas, insulin).
The hypothalamus monitors the concentration of hormones in the blood, and a high level of a certain hormone blocks the release of the hypothalamus' hormones. Therefore, a high level of insulin blocks a cascade of hormone release that starts in the hypothalamus that leads to its release in the pancreas.
Answer: Beta nerve fibers
Somatic nerves
General visceral nerves