Answer::Railroads brought rapid expansion of people, business, and cities across the state. ... Because railroads enabled farmers and ranchers to transporttheir products more efficiently, by the turn of the century Texas had become a leading producer of both cattle and cotton.
The correct answer is superego.
According to Freud, our personality is comprised of three parts: the id, ego and the superego. The superego refers to a part of our personality that represents our conscience and suppresses desires or urges that are inappropriate or unacceptable. In Greg's instance, his superego effectively enabled him to suppress his hunger urge and wait till the lecture ended, since doing so is more socially acceptable and honorable behavior rather than giving into his urge and leaving the lecture hall to satisfy his hunger.
These strict policies reflect the following characteristic of an unlimited government:
5. restrictions regarding freedom of expression
1. It allows us to support one another, interact, share experiences and our modern life struggles. Having this open bond with others is what builds valuable relationships, and gives us a deeper sense of belonging. Communities are also rich in resources. Your strengths may be someone else's weaknesses and vice versa.
2. *get involved as a volunteer
*support local business'
*pick up litter
(extra) *keeping socially distanced
3. Education- this can benefit everyone. Getting an education can get you a good and better future
Military- Those brave soldiers fight and loose their lives to save us and their country. If we didn't have our military we'd be damaged as a society.
Emergency Services- come on- we all know what they do for us! They save lives! They help us in our time of need and death-
4. well the country would look great if it had it's teachers, police officers, firemen, and etc in hand, but in these times- it's pretty much chaos with school being online- or being in a hybrid process, with police being kicked around and banned from states, with fires that are too hard too put out with the lack of men- it's horrible without those resources